Ideas for non-profit organizations and foundations
Ideas for not for profit organizations and foundations
Encourage your donors and volunteers to share on their social networks how they plan to participate in this day by supporting your organization. Give them a "Like" and retweet their messages to show the support you are collecting.
Use the #GivingTuesdayPR hashtag frequently on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and on the other social networks you use. Your contacts should know that you're part of this movement, and you have a better chance of getting a "share" or retweet from campaign supporters.
If you don't use one yet, sign up for an online fundraising platform to receive online donations. There are many services that make it easy to accept mobile donations. You must develop a campaign with clear objectives to achieve the fundraising on this day. And a good platform can help.
Tell your story! Use your own social media and don't hesitate to approach the media in your community to publicize your activities in the framework of #GivingTuesdayPR. Stories are the best way to gain more committed followers for your cause.
Invite your corporate sponsors, if you have any, or companies in your community, to organize some concrete action together this day. There are multiple ways that businesses and NGOs can do mutually beneficial actions in #GivingTuesdayPR.
Above all, encourage yourself to innovate, to try new things, and to learn. What you learn now can be used for your work throughout the rest of the year.